Hendrickson Appraisal's primary focus and experience centers on right-of-way valuation required for large linear infrastructure projects.
We have appraised thousands of commercial, industrial, office, residential, special use, entitled & unentitled land parcels, and agricultural holdings of land over the past 20 years for right-of-way purposes. Senior appraisers are qualified expert witnesses.
Many of these assignments involved "part take" appraisals with complex “larger parcel” matters, analysis of damages and benefits, various permanent and temporary easement interests, toxic waste issues, and cost to cure.
Right-of-way appraisals are completed to FHWA standards, in compliance with the California Code of Civil Procedure and eminent domain law, and consistent with the "Caltrans Right of Way Manual."
Hendrickson Appraisal Company has "On Call" contracts with SANDAG and Caltrans, as well as several other agencies involved in large public infrastructure projects. Agencies include cities, counties, utility companies, and regional transportation authorities. Client List
Freeway Expansion
Roadway Widening
Rail Projects (Light Rail and Heavy Rail)
Electricity Corridors
Water & Sewer Mains
High Pressure Gas Lines
Offsite Mitigation Purchases
Opportunity Purchases